Wednesday 23 November 2011

Hello World!

Hello World!
Well, the attempt of CSE 2011 seems over for me, thanks to the glorious disaster in maths. Now a lot of introspection and anxiety awaits me. First thing i thought of is to start a blog. Since i have a lot of time this year i must allocate some time for extra-curriculum activities (watching movies is the other) as well. I devoted around 6 months for last attempt, having left the job in May and now that i don't see any job option ahead it seems i have the full year ahead for preparation.
Although i hate all those, "Sureshot strategies for success in Pub Ad/ How to crack GS in 30 days", i still make a strategy, based on my own convenience and my own strength and weaknesses. I've worked out for this year as well. I've figured out the topics in Maths and Pub Ad which need work and i'm gonna work on  them. I'll try to write an essay every fortnight and share with you guys here on this blog. (I'm announcing it, so that i fulfill it, the probability increases...)
I have this terrible habit of predicting questions in exams. I did it in X Board, JEE and then CSE 2011. It seem to work fine for me. Its not something divine or special, every serious aspirant in an exam get this feeling on seeing a question and by sheer coincidence they seem to hit the bulls eye.
By this blog, i'll just keep myself and my readers aware of current affairs and my work in Pub Ad, Essay or even Maths. That is it for now. Hope to see you in the next post! :-)